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Do you know where your drinking water comes from when you turn on the tap, or how clean and safe it is to drink? Do you think it will always be plentiful and safe for your children and grandchildren and generations to follow?

Clean Drinking Water Forum - June 14, 2018 - 6:30-9 p.m.

Harriet Brown Community Center, 901 Dares Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD


Calvert County and our neighbors both east and west depend on what nature stores in underground aquifers for drinking water — sediment formations like the Aquia that are both permeable and porous. Precipitation seeped (and seeps) into these aquifers in recharge areas to the north— today’s Prince Georges and Anne Arundel counties. Thousands of years later, we pump that water back out of the ground. Unfortunately we pump it out much faster than it seeps back. Water levels in our main aquifers are dropping by several feet per year, these rates ever increasing because of population growth.


On June 14, 2018, Keep Calvert Country will welcome Dr. Albert Tucker, President of the Chesapeake Environmental Protection Association (CEPA), who will address this unsustainable dilemma our descendants would have to face, and what we can and should be doing about it today.


Tucker got his PHD in acoustics from Catholic University, leading to a long career in research and program management in the Department of the Navy and other areas of the Department of Defense. A physicist and engineer by training, he is an environmentalist at heart, an advocate of farm and forest land preservation and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. Yes, he practices what he preaches-- the 147 acre Tucker farm grows perennial and thus soil-building and nitrogen-binding hay.  Among his many environmental accomplishments is the 1985 founding of Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary on the Patuxent just north of Calvert.


Read an article containing a summary of what Dr. Tucker told the Calvert County Planning Commission in 2015 here. His slideshow, "The Future Supply of Drinking Water in Maryland" is also available here.


This forum is very timely as Calvert County is in the process of adopting a new Comprehensive Plan. The draft currently under review removes the growth control elements that have served to slow growth for the last decade. The removal of these growth control measures will result in an increase in population and development, further threatening our water supply.


Please Bring a Friend and/or Neighbor!


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